****for more information visit my FACEb. profile**** The private apartment is one kilometer far from the Frankfurt fair (Frankfurt-Messe) away and comes fully furnished with everything you need for a comfortable daily life, such as a bed with a premium mattress with bedsheets, pillows, and duvets, a large wardrobe, table, and chair for work with a lamp. Each flat has a spacious bathroom, and a fully equipped. BUILDING You will be move into our renovated apartments. The property is purposefully built to be an ideal location for you to enjoy the co-living lifestyle, and be part of the frankfurt community. The building features a common area where you can comfortably work and socialise. NEIGHBOURHOOD The up-and-coming Bockenheim/Messe area is home to the cafes, supermarkets, fare und restaurants. You can easily reach the city center. The European Central Bank (EZB) is within short distance, with other major banks such as Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, and Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen located within 20 minutes by public transport from the Frankfurt Main (West) station. At the doorstep of the building, you will find great bars, restaurants, and fitness studios FitSevenEleven and FitnessFirst, making living at Voltastraße the ideal place for both work and leisure...
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